My shift from WORLDLY to WORSHIP music ...
I sang, heard, composed, worked, played, laughed and cried to music. I was touched by the LORD, at the Divine Retreat Centre, Potta, while singing. Hallelujah!!
"The Spirit who reveals the truth about God" {Jn.14:17} showed me that JESUS is not only the alpha and the omega, "the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Rev.21:6) but is also between the treble and the bass, the notes 'A ' to 'G' and the 'Middle C' is Christ (the first musical note which you learn and around which all music revolves).
Jesus said "I am the real vine and my Father is the gardener. He breaks off every branch in me that does not bear fruit" {Jn.15:1-2}. "The Sprit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control." {Gal.5:22-23 }. The first three 'fruit of the Holy Spirit' describe our relationship to God, the next three to others and the final three our inner self. "A tree is known by the kind of fruit it bears." {Mt.12:33} "Any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire. So then, you will know the false prophets by what they do. {Mt.7:19-20}. Bear this in mind with every verse, chorus, note, chord or beat you hear.
'Unintentional backward masking' is when the lyrics make sense when played both forwards and backwards through computer software Researchers have suggested that this involves super natural forces. In "intentional back wards masking" the sound is garbled when played forwards but has a message when played in reverse. Thrice I was kept back from purchasing 'Hell Freezes Over' by the Eagles. The lyrics of 'Hotel California', 'You could check out any time you like but you could never leave', means you could commit suicide but you could never leave the church of Satan. Only Jesus can save you. I heard the 'unintentional backward masked' message on this track which stated Satan organised his own religion.
One afternoon at the office, while testing the multimedia kit which was installed, I heard Prince - 'Gold'. By evening I felt sick. I shrugged off the feeling. During my evening prayers, while I was singing "Come Holy Spirit let your fire fall", the words of the song 'Gold' floated in my mind - 'At the centre of fire is Gold'. Lk.16:13 and Mt. 6:24 states "You cannot serve both God and money." The Holy Spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost by "tongues of fire" {Acts 2:3}. I stopped praising and worshipping. I broke the CD. Peace and Joy flooded my heart once again. In music, hearing is believing.
The video "Hell's Bells" and its sequel, presented by Eric Holmberg, is both revealing and shocking. When you hear 'backwards masking' you are stunned. From a Christian standpoint, he analyses the lyrics, videos, attitudes, ideology, lifestyles, jacket covers and the symbols used by the artists. You will see signs like the 'Pentagram', "the devil horn salute" (index and little fingers up) and the 'II Cornuto' hand sign {a Sicilian sign of the Devil used to cast spells and to ward off the 'Evil Eye'}. God is mentioned in the 'credits' by groups ('I owe this award to God') but is discredited.
'Stairway to Heaven' by Led Zeppelin is an escalator to Hell. In a section, the 'backwards masking' has tracks like "There is no escaping it, here's to my sweet Satan. No other made a path, for it makes me sad, who's power is Satan." 'Another one bites the dust' by Queen 'backwards' says "Start to smoke marijuana". Quite scary. Check the lyrics and videos of ballads, love songs and secular music in all languages known to you. Ditto for popular film music and advertisements. You will be amazed.
Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie wrote in 'We are the World', "As God has shown us by turning stones to bread". In the Temptation of Jesus in Mt.4: 3 the devil says "If you are God's son, order these stones to turn into bread."
Janis Joplin sang "Heaven's in the back seat of my cadillac". 'I want your sex' sang George Michael. Remember Tina Turner's soulful singing "What's Love got to do got to do with it, what's love but a second hand emotion". Micheal Learns to Rock in 'That's Why' sings, 'Love is one big illusion I should try to forget.'. Boney M advocates 'Love for Sale'. The current boy bands and girl bands sing of unrequited, erotic love, 'boy-girl' relationships, living in, pre marital sex all under the guise of love. The 'Satanic Bible' by Anton Szandor LaVey in 3:5 states "is not lust and carnal desire a more truthful way to describe 'love'?" In the Scriptures "Love" has a different tune - on the relationship to others and self - "every husband must love his wife as himself, and every wife must respect her husband" {Eph.5:33.} In v. 25 "husbands , love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it". In Heb.13:1 "Keep on loving one another as Christian brothers". In Mt.5:43 "Love your enemies". "Love your neighbour as you love yourself" {Mt.22:39.}. About the relationship to God - "GOD is love" {1 Jn.4:8}. In Jn.3:16 "For God loved the world so much that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life". Agape love. In 1 Cor.13 Paul talks about Love. In v. 6 "Love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth." In v. 8 "Love is eternal." In Mt.22:37 - the greatest commandment - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."
Michael Learns to Rock sings in the chorus of 'Someday', "We'll wait for our fate cos' nobody owns us baby". In 2 Cor.1:22 it is God himself "who has placed his mark of ownership upon us". "God has put his stamp of ownership on you by giving the Holy Spirit he had promised. The Spirit is the guarantee that we shall receive what God has promised His people, and this assures us that God will give complete freedom to those who are His." {Eph.1:!3-14}. In the next line OF 'Someday' they sing "We can shake we can shake the rock". In the Bible, Jesus said "Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it." {Mt.16:18}. Jesus is the Rock of all ages. Is it the same rock? Is this rock bottom?
Simon and Garfunkel sang in 'Sounds of Silence' - "Hello darkness my old friend, I 've come to talk to you again". In John 8:12 Jesus said "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness." Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life" (Jn.14:6).
Screen songs advocating rebellion {Pink Floyd in 'The Wall' - "We don't need no education ----Teachers leave us kids alone", Madonna - 'Papa Don't Preach'}, language {Prince in 'Sexy M. F.' or 'Boom Boom Boom' - The Outhere Brothers, or the popular 'Who the F--- is Alice ?' }. Beware of songs with Satanic themes {'Hotel California' - the Eagles}, with references to the occult, which promote substance abuse {Eric Clapton - 'Cocaine', Beatles - 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' acronym for LSD also 'Let it Be' where the slang for 'Mother Mary' is the drug marijuana}, murder, suicide or escapism and which are blasphemous.
Instrumental music of anti Scriptural songs can influence you negatively. The videos are explicit. You see the inverted cross, burning crucifixes, crosses being desecrated and thrown, suggestive dancing, graves, ghoulish looking creatures. The icons, images and symbols on record covers are revealing. Are you aware that the "Peace Sign", which we happily wore around our necks in college, is actually the broken cross {Teutonic / Neronic cross}? Experience the power of the Holy Spirit not the "flower" {drugs} power.
'Play it Again' by Vijay Martis (Divine Voice, June, 1998), on the negative influence of Rock music, had me pressing the 'Stop' and 'Eject' button on certain categories of music. The audio tape, 'Arrow of Light' of Glen Le' Rive has 'backwards masking' in a hymn from Isaiah 61. 'Forwards' - "you'll be called priests of the LORD you'll be named ministers of our God". 'Backwards' - "our God has risen, in the end he will go to receive all people". Do you wanna rock? Then the Bombay Charismatics' 'Rock and Ruin Show' is a must attend. It details the negative influences, in contemporary rock and rap music, on 'back masking', the messages in the lyrics, the symbols used and displayed by the rock stars, their life styles and behaviour on and off stage. Their ministry has published a well compiled booklet wherein you can check the 'Rock Music Rating' which rates hundreds of groups under various categories so that you can be the judge of the music. For a deeper insight read Backward Masking Unmasked by Jacob Aranza, Rocks Hidden Persuader by Peters / Merrill and From Rock to Rock, The Music of Darkness Exposed by Eric Barger.
"Anyone who is not for me is really against me; anyone who does not help me gather is really scattering. {Lk.11:23}.
I jumped over the fence. My friends thought I was off my rockers. They clamoured for my CD collection. It lay in bits and pieces. A small price for eternal salvation. In Lk.3: 3, the Baptist preached, "Turn away from your sins -----and God will forgive your sins" . The Psalmist in 103 :3 "HE forgives all my sins". Note the present tense. Jesus said in Mk.2:5 "My son, your sins are forgiven".
I wanted to follow Pauls instructions in Col.3: 16 to "Sing psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in your heart."
I went to shop for Christian music. 'Grammy' was out 'Dove' (the awards for the best in Christian music in various categories in the USA) was in. No reviews to go by. No 'Top of the Charts' on the radio or Television. 'No Gospel music in the store.' This is crazy. I can't be hearing Christmas carols or shrill soprano singers singing slow hymns for the rest of my life. I said "Holy Spirit isn't there any 'cool' music around? What about electrifying lead guitar riffs, a running bass line, 'stringed instruments' {Ps.33:2}, pulsating 'drum' beats {Ps.150:4}, inspired piano play, 'the shouts of joy and the blast of trumpets' {Ps.47:5}, 'the singers, musicians and tambourines' {Ps.68:25}, techno or Gospel rap? Isn't there music to get my feet dancing {Ps.150:4}? Jesus ignite me with the Fire. I want to experience the ecstatic, electricity and good vibes generated by the power of the Holy Spirit. I want to worship Abba, my Father {not the beat group}, through Jesus, in the Spirit. I want to dance joyfully as David (whose music on the harp drove out evil spirits from Saul (1 Sam.16:23)) did totally lost in worship".
The Holy Spirit showed me the TRUTH all along the way. I met Catholics and Christians from various 'denomination churches'. Some of my 'well meaning' friends were talking of not hearing music from 'other denomination churches'. I recalled JESUS in Mk.9:40 when John spoke about groups, "For whoever is not against us is for us." I met an 17 year old boy, who told me that he belongs to a 'no denomination church' and that his Church is CHRIST. What wisdom. He introduced me to 'Praise and Worship' leaders who sang with the fire. I learnt that Praise was songs about God and HIS works while Worship is when you sing to God. 'Scriptures in Song' and not 'Music with Meaning' meant something to me.
I was ready to "Clap your hands for joy, all peoples! Praise God with loud songs!" {Ps.47:1} in 'Put your hands together' with Ron Kenoly. Hear the unique 'jugalbandi' between the drums and clapping. In 'Go Ahead' he sings "If your going through hell, don't stop you go ahead". To that add the incredible beat, calypso rhythms, funk, whistles and positive lyrics in a contemporary, refreshing style. My feet were dancing to the beat in 'I Will Dance'. My prayers were answered. I could feel the Fire and was blown away by the Wind. Alvin Slaughter is another inspired singer. Hear 'God Can'. In 'Shout to the LORD - 2000', they along with the Worship leader, from Hill Songs Australia, Darlene Zschech and Russell Fragar just let it rip, joyfully, during Praise.
Worshipping to the music of Don Moen is unique. The Maranatha singers are an altogether different, spiritual experience. Hear Bob Fitts, who sang 'Glory Glory Lord' in a bunch of different languages, Rich Mullins who wrote 'Awesome God', Phillips Craige and Dean in 'Trust', the Afro rhythms in 'Rejoice Africa'. Country and western buffs will like Ken Holloway. Christian rappers hear the Scriptural messages in 'Raze'. Listen to Steve Kuban. Thomas Paul worships in 'His Holiness' to Indian fusion. The list goes on.
As Darlene Zschech sang in 'Can't stop talking', "if HE did it for me HE can do it for you", I agree. I could feel the presence of the Lord, the Anointing. I can now dance and shout and Praise the LORD with every musical bone in my body while my soul soars to new heights in worship. I love you Father. I love you Jesus. I love you Holy Spirit!! Thank you for the music.
Micheal Coleman, President Integrity Inc. wrote "we view life on earth, for those who love Jesus, as choir practice for Heaven". Wouldn't you like to join the four living creatures as stated in Rev.4:8 "Day and night they never stop singing : Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was , who is, and who is to come." Or join "all the living beings in the universe - and they were singing : 'To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honour, glory and might, for ever and ever!'" (v. 5:13)
Always pray to the Spirit of Truth to help you to discern the 'fruit'. "You have a choice between life and death; you will get whichever you choose." {Sir.15:17} Would you like to Dance with D(A)VI(D) or do you prefer Mick Jagger in 'Dancing with Mr D'(E)VI(L) ?