Christians -- Aargh or Wow?
By Jose' Cordeiro
"Repent it is Lent" could have been the title. But that would only give you half the picture.
These are "true" stories. The
tongue-in-cheek comments are equally true. The names, of course, have been changed to protect their identity and my head. You know I might get ex-communicated.
church on Sunday Prodigal Son
quietly states that he has had a Jesus experience but Gossip
retorts: "So where were you lost all these years?" or Sarcastic
with a smirk snaps: "Surprise, surprise!"Loving
says: "Hallelujah! Thank God, welcome home".
been introduced to Goody-goody Couple who promptly announce: "My spouse and I are into full time ministry". Busybody points out: "I am in the Parish Council and the Leader of ___" {fill in the blanks}. You find out that they are 'bekaar' and this is their 'business'.
When you are told: "I am good at handling the priests". It dawns on you that this means "Don't mess with me I have contacts in high places". Or the corollary Scratch my back suggests: You do this for me and I'll take care of that.
PROUD PREACHER {substitute Author, Worship Leader, Retreat Master}: "I've touched 'N' numbers with my ministry": Is it a number game? Whose Glory is it anyway?
Reformed Hypocrite shouts: "X is a SINNER" (substitute drunk/drugged out/having an affair) forgetting that: All are sinners
SELF-RIGHTEOUS exults: "Serves them right look how God has punished them". Paul spoke of helping one another to carry one's burdens.
Obedient clergy raving and ranting at "one such as these" altar servers, whose only mistake was that he/she served at a Eucharistic celebration other than at their Parish: You can't serve Mass there. If you don't serve here I'll ...". The SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERVISOR screams and screeches: "Why don't you go to your own Parish Sunday School classes?" Makes one wonder: Was Jesus parochial? At least this kid is in the Church instead of doing drugs, drinking or leaning on the lamp-post ...
Businessman Evangelist talks of tithing and you realize it's all about the money, honey. It's funny how a stirring homily fails to arouse interest but a passing reference to church finances turns the sleepiest churchgoer into a wide-awake financial analyst.
Mike Mania mentions: "I'm a professional. I'll sing the solo {substitute ¦ do the readings/do it all} otherwise I will walk out of the ..." When I gets out of the 'Way' and He is on center stage then people are moved.
Prayer group leader after making a 'rehearsed' spontaneous prayer inquires: "Did you like the prayer? How did I sound?" Pathetic.
PROFESSIONAL "SHARKS": have their mind on your goods and will assure you that they will use your property only for the Lord's work. Not to be mistaken with GOD'S GOOD PEOPLE who go out of their way, always at their expense, to use their property to help you and are doing it silently for Jesus and through His guidance.
COMMITTED CHRISTIAN chides and cries: "I need a commitment for personal prayers, intercessions, reading, service, doing ... and ..." I am committed to Christ and His Spirit ... or is it the Law?
CHURCH SOCIALS are special: You have an A.A. group in the Parish but booze bottles feature in the gift hampers. You sing hymns in church, praise and worship at the prayer meetings but its popular music for the festivities. Mixed messages add to the muddle.
LENTEN RESOLUTION: "I will give up ... for forty days till Easter. On Easter I will make up for lost time. I will resurrect all my bad habits and have a splurge on Easter to celebrate the Risen Lord". Could we LENGHTEN the RESOLUTION?
Is your sensitivity shocked? Do you feature in some, all or none of the 'true' stories? Who are you or me to judge, you would say ... or are you like the whitened sepulchres (cfr.Mt.23:27)!!! or an 'inverted' publican, standing at the back of the church criticizing the pharisees in the front.
The best "True" story I have come across is in the Bible ... the life of Jesus Christ. This Lent let's study the persona of Jesus Christ in the Gospels and imitate Him. Do what Jesus did. Say what He said. Pray as He prayed. Feel as He felt. Study His relationship with His Father and the Holy Spirit and His neighbour. Live Christianity in the flesh. Try getting crucified with and for Christ without having a martyr complex.
Let our hearts be in empathy with His. How about a heart-to-heart talk with Jesus?
Jesus I am sorry. Surrender yourself to Him and ask Him to transform your heart. /font>
Let the change in your heart bloom during all seasons, not just Lent. This is tough stuff. On our own strength, we will fail. Trust God, as with Him nothing is impossible. We can't do it on our own but we can do all things through Christ who lives in us. Let's take a step away from Churchianity and towards Christianity.
In the Name of the Father
In the Name of the Father ...
By Jose' Cordeiro
... and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. This is the Sign of the Cross. You know it. You've done it so often.
Let's do it again with these specific thoughts in our minds -- In the Name of the Father, who created me, and the Son, who redeemed and saved me and the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies me. Amen. Verily truly.
Now lets do it with a twist. How about some action? When you make the Sign of the Cross, the thumb along with the index and center finger joined together points to the Trinity. The third and little fingers that are bent towards the palm refer to the two natures, divine and human, found in the One Person of Jesus Christ. When you touch your forehead you profess your faith in Father God who is above all. The downward movement to the breast is about Jesus Christ, His Son, who came down on earth to save us. When you move your hand from shoulder to shoulder you connect to the Holy Spirit who is the bond of love between the Father and the Son ... and you. [Cf. Tertullian quoted in J. G. Davies "Liturgical Dance: An Historical,Theological and Practical Handbook", p.160 and in "Pray With Hearts And Hands", p. 94-95]
Try it slowly. Experience it in its fullness. Revealing isn't it? It's a crash course in theology that is as old as the hills but somehow got forgotten down the line.
How do you pray? Is it mere lip service? Are you one of those sincere though solemn serious types who does not have fun in the presence of the Lord? Inhibited perhaps. Maybe you are shy, self conscious or just plain scared. Praying, as far as you are concerned, is just joining your hands, kneeling and 'learnt by heart' words that are recited and rattled off to a rhythm. Is that your style? Or is it 'rehearsed' spontaneous prayers? Are you groping in the dark for the Light?
Then you need to try what Celeste Snowber Schroeder terms 'praying with hearts and hands'. Yes, your body does get into the act. Even the monotonous drone of praying involves different muscles in the body. However, if you want to be creative in your prayer life then add body postures.
A short guide to the postures -- When you raise your hands you are praising God. With your hands outstretched you are reaching out to Him. When you approach Him with upturned palms you are surrendering and offering yourself to Him and accepting what He sends your way. Repentance theologically means to return. So as your body pirouettes and twirls you are turning away from sin to holiness and Jesus or returning to listening to the Holy Spirit. Standing makes you attentive. Bowing and kneeling are symbolic of humility and reverence but prostrating signifies deep reverence. While you would roll on the floor in lament, you might stand bare foot in awe on holy ground. When your hands are joined you would greet God, or the 'living God' in one another depending whether your hands are raised above your head or at your breast level. Joined hands with the fingers pointed upward state that your praises and petitions are heaven bound and the thumbs crossed remind you of the Jesus' Cross. If you are asked "Where is God?". Depending where you are from you would point -- upwards if you are from the West, the Orientals would point to their heart and many would stand with their hands open.
Don't forget it's not only about words and body basics. You need an 'attitude' as well. The heart has to be where the action is. This is where praising, thanksgiving and forgiveness feature in the formula. It is in the synergy of the body, soul and spirit that the Spirit, which moves your spirit, makes the prayer worthy.
Remember Jesus did it when he prostrated Himself and cried in anguish while great drops of blood formed like sweat and fell to the ground at Gethsemane. Psalm 47 talks of a clap offering to the Lord coupled with shouts of joy and loud songs. What about dancing in the Church? Shocked? Blasphemous? Maybe you have a mindset that thinks that that's all right at a prayer meeting accompanied by that kind of music but not in the church, as we have to be solemn there. Rubbish. Dance is an expression of joy and spontaneous praise and thanksgiving. David was a natural at using his body in worship. He leaped and whirled around dancing with all his heart before Yahweh (2 Sam. 6:14-16). Miriam sang to Yahweh and danced with a tambourine when God saved the fleeing Israelites from the Egyptians at the Red Sea (Ex. 15:20-21). What happened here was not choreographed dancing for an audience or applause like the Go-Go girls at some concerts, Christian or otherwise. Theirs was an uninhibited spontaneous response of thanksgiving to God in worship.
You will recall in Lk. 1: 41 when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. It was John who performed the rite of baptism on Jesus at the Jordan -- that is a cleansing of the body and the soul. The body soul and spirit are always connected.
Have you experienced embodied prayer? Do heed a word of caution. Initially try this when you are alone or else people will think you are kinky and touched in the head instead of
by the Lord.
Here goes. Turn on some Worship music. There are no restrictions on the genre. So if its pop, dance, jazz, rock, rap or soul; so be it. No volume controls are suggested. So decibel levels could range from whisper soft to deafeningly loud. Please note there is no 'right' or 'wrong' here except that the music has to be in praise of God or worshipping God. As the music plays, close your eyes and be still doing nothing for a while. Then just sway gently to the beat with your hands outstretched. If you feel like singing along, do it. If you don't know the words then just hum the tune. Saying Hallelujah and/or chanting the name of Jesus helps. Do this till you feel His presence. Then just relax and enjoy His presence. Now do as the Holy Spirit guides. You will perceive a subtle shift from praise to worship to glory. You'll be in communion with God with your body, mind, soul and spirit. Refreshing! Peaceful! Exhilarating!
Now you are ready to step out on a limb. Try acting out your prayers. Does this sound strange? Do you feel funny? Try a dumb charades with the 'Lord's Prayer'. It isn't a dumb idea and there are no prizes for guessing. What easily lends itself to using the body in prayer is the Psalms. Psalm 23, 'The Lord is my Shepherd', is a good beginning. Psalm 51 'Have Mercy on me, Lord' -- a prayer for forgiveness and Psalm 91 on 'God Our Protector', are an altogether unique experience. Don't push it. Easy does it. Improvise as you go along. Relax. Initially it may feel awkward but after a while it will become second nature and then the experience is energizing. While you keep your mind on the verse and the movements, experience the empathy you have towards the Lord and feel the Love
flow back. Do you get the drift? Psalm 150:6 beautifully juxtapose spirituality with physicality -- "Let everything that breathes sing praise to the Lord. Hallelujah!"
'Praying with hearts and hands' is so natural and so much of fun that children do it all the time. Seeing them exult reminds you that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. If you're jaded and making no headway in your prayers you might just want to try it. It will get the oomph back into your prayer life.
Frankly I try to pray but I don't know how. Sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. Persistence pays in prayer, especially when you are on a free fall. It is only when I stop going through the motions and come with a broken spirit and a clean heart that the Holy Spirit leads me and ... I pray ... or rather His Spirit prays in me, through me and for me.
I pray that you get the true picture. Let's go, once more, back to the basics and see how we relate to embodied prayer. Let's sign ourselves.
In the Name of the Father ...
Prayerfully Yours!
by Fr Rufus Pereira
Diocesan Pastoral Centre, 4 Kane Road, Bandra, Mumbai 400 050.
Cost: Free.
This is not merely a portrait of Jesus. It is a real, close and personal view of Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever.
the first chapter, "Who do you say I am?", Fr Rufus throws open to all, the
question of Jesus to Peter, "Who am I to you?". He then traces his shift from knowing about Jesus to knowing that He lives in his heart. In a personal testimony he talks of the pain of being torn between the loving Deity and the death of loved ones.
Next he deals with what, how and why "Christ - the Trenchant Teacher" taught "everyone, everywhere and everytime".
"Jesus -- the Holistic Healer" he delves into the healing ministry of Jesus. He points to the Source of the power to heal and the compassion which moved Jesus to heal. He spells out the importance of the word, prayer, touch, faith and gratitude in the healing process.
Differentiating between "techniques of prayer" he emphasises that, "It is only Jesus who can teach us to pray". "Christ = the Perseverant Pray-er" depicts in Luke's Gospel as to how prayer and praying was central to the life of Jesus at the beginning, the Transfiguration and throughout His ministry. The Baptism of the Spirit was also received during prayer at the start of the Charismatic renewal. In a testimony he emphasises the need of personal prayer and Scripture reading in dealing with spirits.
He devotes a separate chapter to the role of "Jesus = the Suffering Servant" and links it to the greatest and second greatest commandment which revolves on love. He notes that "all three Mumbai Archbishops had or have their episcopal mottos on the same theme: Cardinal Gracias, 'In the love of brotherhood', Cardinal Pimenta, 'Rooted and grounded in love', and Archbishop Ivan Dias, simply, 'Servant'".
"Jesus Christ = the Same Forever" is the core of why we need to focus on Jesus who is still alive and makes our faith complete. He goes beyond the Paschal Mystery to the deeper implications ... Christ lives in us, His power is at work in us and His mission has become our mission.
testimonies interspersed in the book deal with repentance, renunciation, healing, deliverance, anointing and the subsequent call to service, and the birth of CHRISTEEN. The last testimony, "The Gate Opened By Itself" is stirring though startling.
Right through he has judiciously used a bold typeface for emphasis. This coupled with a straight forward style makes it easy to read, understand and assimilate the deep insight. The book is peppered with the lyrics of hymns which are significant to him and he ends with the words of the song "Jesus Is The Same Today".
The back cover is a reminder that Jesus is the link, between our yesterdays and forever, today.
This loving tribute to his Teacher, Saviour, Master and Friend is translated in innumerable languages some of which are Korean, German, Portuguese, Croatian, Slovanian, Latvian and Latuanian.
best things in life are free and so is this book.
Reviewed by Jose' Cordeiro