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Hi Jesus! It's me - & Celebrate Jesus!
It's what the Holy Spirit led me too. I pray that you have your own unique experience.
Yours in Christ,
Jose' Cordeiro
Yes! Avin Slaughter reviewed
This letter appeared in The Examiner February 17, 2001. -- Do get back on your comments.
The Editor:
The Examiner.
I had mixed feelings when I read -- 'Holy Father Addresses Congress on Sacred Music' (The Examiner February 3, 2001 Vol. 152 No. 5). Joy at what he envisaged but sorrow at its execution. His pertinent remarks on 'popular sacred music' and the application of the Vatican Council II are loud and clear but in India there appears to be a cacophony.
Should we allow Catholic magazines to be used as a platform for promoting secular music that certainly wouldn't 'nourish Christ and the disciples'. If the review is critical about how the music was anti Christian then by all means. If not, then don't let the Pope read them. Did you know that the song 'Let It Be' which is printed in our hymnals is about the drug marijuana and definitely not on Mother Mary? Mistaken piety or is it ignorance?
What about Christian events, socials and get-togethers? If the Pope hears the music played at most social events in the churches of Bombay he will be surely shocked by the Spiritually starved secular stuff blared out.
Very often we hear popular hymns sung as if it is a dirge especially in places where the choir is looked at as a chore. Don't get me wrong. There are certain choirs that do have the 'creative elan'. Recently I did attend a Eucharistic celebration for the profession of vows of a Sr. of Nirmala Niketan conducted by Fr. Aniceto Nazareth where the music blended beautifully with the liturgy and was truly enriching and elevating.
However majority of the times music is relegated to the pit and is certainly not the equal level that the Holy Father spoke about for 'a solid formation of pastors and faithful'.
Discordant note -- don't you agree?
Yours truly,
The Examiner, February 17, 2001.
Read the reviews to check whats in and whats not